Professional Development – Fringe Professional Development Mon, 08 May 2023 20:10:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Professional Development – Fringe Professional Development 32 32 Benefits of Creative Thinking in a Linear Workplace Wed, 10 May 2023 11:00:20 +0000 Read more]]> Rachael Bosch is the CEO and founder at Fringe PD, where their mission is to help people communicate better and create more human workplaces.

Creativity is an incredibly powerful tool that has the potential to unlock solutions and new ideas in any workplace. After spending my early professional years steeped in the creative world, I came to law firms and was shocked by the fear, reluctance, and lack of credibility surrounding the creative process. All too often, traditional “linear” workplaces prioritize more logical, analytical thinking over creative approaches—leading many professional employees to feel like their creativity is not valued. Today, we are talking about how introducing creative thinking into a linear workplace can provide a massive benefit to businesses and employees. We’ll explore the positive outcomes of creative thinking and strategies for introducing it into a more structured environment. By tapping into the power of creativity, any organization can unlock new possibilities and create an environment where employees feel valued and inspired to do their best work. And the best part – no jazz hands required!

What do we mean by a “linear workplace”?

A linear workplace is one in which organization and decision-making take place along traditional, predictable lines. It typically involves a strict hierarchy, with decisions being made from the top down and with little room for creativity or deviation from existing rules. In this environment, employees are expected to follow instructions precisely and conform to established structures without room for innovation or creative expression.

OK, so how do we define creative thinking?

Creative thinking is a type of problem-solving process that involves generating, exploring, and testing ideas. It entails the use of imagination, intuition, divergent thinking skills, and out-of-the-box solutions to come up with original ideas or solve complex problems. Creative thinking encourages employees to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions that can help the organization. Unlike linear thinking, which is more analytical and follows a structured process to reach a solution, creative thinking allows employees to come up with ideas without any predetermined parameters or restrictions. It encourages employees to be open-minded and think of unconventional solutions that might otherwise have gone unnoticed.

Most organizations benefit from a healthy mix of linear thinking (prediction logic) and creative thinking (creation logic) from their employees, but many still lean into one or the other. Organizations can gain advantages and unlock new possibilities by utilizing both types of thinking in the workplace. We have partnered with countless clients who have utilized the improvisation skills and the design thinking process taught in our Fringe workshops to bring creative thinking to their linear leaning teams, and the results have been phenomenal!  Here’s why…

Benefits of Creative Thinking in a Linear Workplace

Increased motivation and morale

By introducing creative thinking into a linear workplace, employees can feel more inspired and motivated to do their best work. Creative thinking encourages employees to explore new ideas, test different approaches, and come up with innovative solutions. This allows employees to feel empowered in their work as they are given the opportunity to use their imagination and creativity. It also helps spark collaboration among employees as they can work together to brainstorm ideas and come up with creative solutions. When employees are given the freedom to think creatively, it creates an environment where they feel valued and inspired to do their best work.

Improved problem-solving skills

Creative thinking can also help improve problem-solving skills in the workplace. By introducing creative thinking into a linear workplace, employees are encouraged to use their imagination and come up with solutions that may not have been considered before. This helps employees develop new problem-solving techniques and become better equipped to tackle complex situations. Creative thinking can also give employees the opportunity to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions that can benefit the entire organization. This helps employees stay ahead by introducing new ideas or approaches while helping them become better problem-solvers. With improved problem-solving skills, organizations can be more agile, efficient, and productive.

Enhanced collaboration among co-workers

Creative thinking can also help enhance collaboration among co-workers in a linear workplace. Encouraging employees to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions allows them to work together to brainstorm ideas and collaborate on projects. This helps foster teamwork, communication, and trust (psychological safety FTW!) among employees as they are allowed to voice their opinions and work together to develop creative solutions. Creative thinking also helps create an open and supportive environment where employees feel more comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions without fear of criticism from their peers or superiors. This encourages collaboration between different departments, allowing them to collaborate better on projects and come up with creative solutions that can benefit the entire organization.

Increased creativity and innovation

Finally, I know this one may be obvious, but introducing creative thinking into the workplace can help increase creativity! Encouraging employees to explore new ideas and come up with unconventional solutions helps push boundaries and introduce new ways of thinking. This can help open up opportunities for an organization in ways they could never have imagined before. Creative thinking also helps foster a culture of innovation, where employees are encouraged to come up with creative solutions that can benefit the organization in the long run.

Hopefully, you’re on board by this point. So let’s tackle how to implement creative thinking into your linear workplace!

Tips for Implementing Creative Thinking in a Linear Workplace

1 – Encourage collaboration between co-workers

Collaboration is key when it comes to introducing creative thinking in the workplace. Open up communication between employees and encourage them to work together to brainstorm ideas and come up with creative solutions. Creative thinking requires employees to think outside the box and explore new ideas. Encourage employees to research and brainstorm together to come up with creative solutions to problems. Reward teams who work collaboratively to find unique or innovative ideas to ensure that employees feel valued and encouraged. Celebrate the WE, not the ME.

2 – Create an environment that encourages creative thinking 

Create an environment that is conducive to creative thinking by encouraging open communication and collaboration between employees. Make sure to provide resources and training for employees so they can stay up-to-date with the latest problem-solving techniques and become better equipped to tackle complex situations. This also means creating space for people to be creative, a real obstacle in most fast-paced organizations. Creativity isn’t linear, so it doesn’t follow a standard pattern. Be sure you create the space needed to solve your gnarliest problems and don’t rush those timelines!

3 – Provide opportunities for employees to practice free-form expression of ideas

Give employees the opportunity to express their ideas freely during meetings and brainstorming sessions. This will help them become more comfortable exploring new concepts and expressing their creativity without feeling judged or criticized by their peers. It can also lead to greater collaboration between departments as they can work together to come up with creative solutions.  One simple technique we teach is to make sure that all voices are heard in each meeting where brainstorming is taking place. Leaders, ensure you set this expectation at the top of the meeting, and if you haven’t heard from someone, invite them to share if they have anything to add.

4 – Establish a culture of innovation and risk-taking

This one can be scary for my more risk-averse friends. But, I promise, there are areas in your organization where taking small risks will have a positive impact on procedures and internal affairs and little impact on the bottom line. Creative thinking requires taking risks and exploring new ideas. Encourage employees to step out of their comfort zone and suggest unconventional solutions that could benefit the organization in the long run. This will help foster a culture of creativity and innovation, which is important for any successful organization. Make sure that employees have the necessary resources and training to come up with creative solutions. This can include providing access to technology, books, and other materials to help them think outside the box.

Creative thinking can be a powerful tool when it comes to increasing motivation, morale, and collaboration among employees. It helps open up opportunities for an organization as it allows them to explore potential markets or develop innovative products that can set them apart from their competitors. Furthermore, creative thinking helps foster a culture of innovation, where employees are encouraged to come up with creative solutions that can benefit the organization in the long run.

Organizations looking to introduce creative thinking into their workplace should encourage collaboration between co-workers, create an environment that encourages creative thinking, provide opportunities for employees to practice free-form expression of ideas, and establish a culture of innovation

If you’re looking for a way to spark creativity in your workplace, check out Fringe PD’s interactive workshops! Our experienced team of professionals will help your team create an environment that encourages creative thinking and collaboration among co-workers. With our customizable packages, you’ll be able to develop a plan that works best for you and your organization. Contact us today for more information!

Rachael Bosch is the Founder and CEO of Fringe Professional Development. Fringe's mission is to help people thrive at work through better communication. Rachael holds a brain-based coaching certification through the NeuroLeadership Institute and certificates of Women in Leadership and Mediating Disputes from Cornell University and Harvard Law School of Executive Studies, respectively. Rachael is an active member of the Forbes Coaches Council.
Rachael Bosch, Founder & CEO, Fringe Professional Development
No Undefined Terms: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Vague Language Wed, 15 Mar 2023 20:54:18 +0000 Read more]]> Do you ever feel like you’re walking a tightrope when it comes to communication? One wrong word can lead to confusion and misunderstandings, even with the best intentions. That’s why it pays to be crystal clear when communicating with others, especially at work. Unfortunately, using vague language is all too common and can have serious consequences. Let’s look at the pitfalls of undefined terms and why it pays to be specific in your language. With a little effort, you can avoid ambiguity and ensure everyone is on the same page!

Many of the folks we work with are lawyers who spend their days writing and interpreting language. Does this contract clause mean what my client or your client says it means? How can I write this sentence without leaving any room for ambiguity? Yet, when it comes to communication with colleagues, that same precision with language tends to go out the window, causing a few core issues.

Pitfall 1: Unclear Expectations

One of the biggest problems with unclear language is that it can create unrealistic or incorrect expectations. This can lead to confusion, frustration, and even resentment when expectations are not met. If someone asks you to complete something by the end of the week, what does that mean to you? Thursday? Friday? Friday at 5pm? Friday at midnight? In what time zone? Saturday?

If we aren’t precise with our language when we delegate, we might be left with unmet expectations. We’re often very clear in our minds about what work we need to do, how we want it done, and by when we want it done. But we don’t take the time to clearly articulate these expectations to our colleagues because we assume they know what we know. But they don’t. In fact, they’ll resolve any ambiguities based on their judgment of what they think is the best approach. But is that your approach? Who knows! Often, these miscommunications aren’t discovered until the work is turned in, by which time it’s usually too late to correct any problems, which leads to frustration and resentment from both sides. To avoid that mess, be as clear and specific as possible when delegating – define every term, just like you would in a contract. What does “end of the week” actually mean to you?

Pitfall 2: Miscommunication

If you don’t make your intentions clear, you run the risk of being misunderstood. And miscommunication can be costly in a professional setting – from getting the wrong results to potentially damaging relationships with clients or colleagues. A simple example is if someone asks you for a “quick update” on a project – do they mean a verbal update, an email, or a full report?

Another area where vagueness hurts is in feedback conversations. Feedback often sounds like, “you’re doing a great job,” or “everything is fine.” But if feedback aims to help someone improve, how are these vague statements giving them the information they need to shift their behavior? Every piece of feedback should clearly describe the behavior the recipient should continue, change, or stop and give them suggestions for how to do just that. The more specific the feedback, the easier it is for the person to adjust accordingly.

Pitfall 3: Inefficiency

Vague language often leads to wasted time and resources. If you don’t provide enough detail up-front, your team may spend hours working on something you didn’t want. Additionally, when expectations are unclear it can lead to misunderstandings and re-work, resulting in more time and money down the drain.

Avoiding the Pitfalls

The good news is that these types of issues can be avoided with a bit of effort. The key is always to be specific when communicating – whether in emails or conversations. Give clear instructions and provide as many details as you can. This will help ensure everyone is on the same page and avoids any confusion or misinterpretation.

We assume that people know what we mean – whether we’ve articulated that or not. And that can lead to a lot of miscommunication because most people aren’t mind-readers. That lack of mind-reading is especially problematic when it comes to delegation and feedback.

Tips for Writing and Communicating Clearly

Use Precise Language

  • Avoid abstract or ambiguous language – use concrete, literal words where possible.
  • Be specific and describe exactly what you want. Don’t leave any room for interpretation.
  • Ensure your message has all the necessary context so your team can understand it better and more easily.
  • Check yourself! Before you hit send, double-check that your message is clear and that the recipient will understand it exactly as intended.

Avoid Jargon and Unnecessary Words

  • Ditch the industry-specific words and use simple, concise language.
  • Avoid throwing in extra words to make a sentence sound more professional. Cut to the chase – get your point across as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  • Don’t use multi-syllabic big words in an attempt to sound smart or intelligent. This isn’t Scrabble. Keep it simple and as easy to understand as possible.
  • Choose your tone carefully. No matter what kind of message you’re sending, be sure your tone is appropriate and professional.

Ask Questions to Clarify Meaning or Intentions

  • If something is unclear, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. It’s better to ask questions than assume and risk misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
  • If you aren’t sure if your communication was clear, ASK! Check in with the other person to see if they understood your meaning before ending the conversation.

Even when you’ve done your best to be specific, miscommunications are possible, so every delegation or feedback conversation should include clarification – time for the other person to tell you what they understood of what you said so that you can clear up any confusion. Ask questions to be sure that what you intended to communicate was received and understood.

Miscommunication is unavoidable, but we can minimize that risk if we go into every conversation aiming to define every term. Specificity in language is the guard against miscommunication, so be as detailed and precise as possible. And always ask for clarification so that you know that you were understood.

So, the next time you find yourself communicating with someone, take a few extra minutes to make sure they understand exactly what you mean (and vice versa). A little bit of clarity goes a long way in avoiding the pitfalls of undefined terms!

Happy communicating! 🙂

Virginia Kim is an Associate Trainer at Fringe PD. As a Fringe facilitator, she empowers individuals and organizations to modernize & transform workplaces. Virginia brings a wealth of experience as a trainer in multiple disciplines, including leadership training, compliance training and bar preparation. Virginia holds a JD from the University of Chicago, where upon graduating, she spent nearly a decade as a litigator for various firms. Virginia has been a go-to facilitator for organizations across various industries, such as aerospace, retail, and legal.

Why Good Client Service Doesn’t Mean Being a Yes Person Tue, 14 Feb 2023 14:51:55 +0000 Read more]]> As professional service providers, we know how critical client service is. It’s what can make or break our career! But often, our definition of excellent client service prevents us from delivering our best work, and maybe worse, can leave us burnt out and looking for a new career.

Let’s define “client” before we dive in.

Every job, traditionally client-facing or otherwise, has a “client” in the mix. Even someone in an entry-level admin role should be thinking about client service. In this case, that person’s supervisor becomes the client. For folks at more senior levels of an organization, they may face many clients (both internal and external), all with different needs, interests, and concerns. At its core, good “client” service is simply the ability to manage up effectively. And, while we at Fringe PD think managing up is a core professional development skill necessary for career advancement, it likely wouldn’t surprise you to see how many seasoned professionals come to us with little to no knowledge of the skillset needed for managing up successfully. So, let’s start with some basics and debunk some of our favorite client service/managing up myths.

Managing Up Does Not Ask You to be Exclusively a “Yes!” Person.

As an initial matter, excellent client service does not mean saying yes to every request. Following the lead of improv comics, our inclination should not be to say yes to every ask; instead, we should be saying “yes, and…”

Remember, our clients are working with limited information. They think they know what they need and the timeline they need it on, but you’re the expert. Clients come to you with their wants, and it’s your job to help them understand their needs. How do you bridge that gap?

Step one of great client management is to ask a lot of questions. Rarely should a client request not be followed by clarifying questions from you. Understand why they’re asking for what they’re asking. What are their goals? What do they hope to achieve with this request? What stakeholders are they trying to please? Knowing this background can help you determine whether what the client is asking for is really what they need or whether they need something else entirely.

Client Service Means Setting Boundaries to Provide Quality.

Second, be straightforward about your limitations. We often sense that if we say no or push back, the client will find someone else to provide the service. But clients are people, too, and are often more understanding than we give them credit for. Be upfront if a client imposes a deadline you’re worried you can’t meet. Ask where that deadline is coming from – often, deadlines are arbitrarily chosen dates based on our best wishes and can easily be moved. But sometimes deadlines are set in stone. If that’s the case, be clear about what other resources you might need to meet that deadline, or, if those resources aren’t available, the sacrifices in work product that might need to be made to reach that deadline.

To Serve a Client, You Must Understand their Needs and Desires.

Not to flip-flop on you, but you also don’t want to be a “no” person. While you don’t want to give an unreserved “yes,” you also don’t want to give the impression that you always say no. Nothing will turn a client off more than feeling that every time they ask for something, they get a no…or a very disgruntled yes. Even if you’re asking questions or pushing back on a client request, do so with a positive attitude and reinforce that you share the client’s goals: to get them exactly what they need, on time, and at the highest possible level. Find ways to meet the client’s needs while managing your (or your team’s) bandwidth. Pro tip: We find that sharing the difference in quality with a client can between their timeline and yours can be illuminating.

“We can certainly get that to you by next week. We can provide a cursory analysis and minimal guidance to get you started in that timeframe. If we have an extra few days, we can deliver a more thorough analysis and a full set of recommendations. Which would be most helpful for you?”

Oftentimes, as the section on “yes” above illustrates, we are making assumptions about the needs of our clients. With the example statement, you might find that the client would prefer expediency to thoroughness and will be happy to take your qualified work product on a faster timeline. They may also realize the importance of the detail you outline and change their mind about the pace of the work in light of that. Of course, there will always be clients who want both outcomes. In these situations, we are reminded of the old saying, “Good, fast, or cheap, you can only have two.”

Strategies for Refusing a Request in the Best Possible Way

Finally, think creatively about how you can say no without saying no. Frame the conversation as an opportunity or a challenge that you and your client can tackle together. The goal is to devise a solution that meets the client’s needs while recognizing that you cannot blindly say yes whenever they ask for something.

By being more assertive, you can find better solutions that meet your client’s needs while maintaining a positive relationship and delivering the highest quality service. Ultimately, balancing your client’s desires with your realistic capabilities is beneficial not only for your client but also for you and your career!

Good client service isn’t just about saying yes – it’s also about knowing when to say no. Establishing boundaries and understanding the client’s needs can help you provide excellent service while avoiding burnout and unhappiness. And by asking questions and thinking creatively, you may find solutions that reach beyond a gut reaction of “yes” or “no.” In the end, the best approach is to be assertive and collaborative with your clients, using the technique of saying “yes, and…” to ensure that you both get what you need.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and push back when needed to get the best results; your clients will thank you later!


Looking for more support in managing up or providing excellent client service? Executive coaching can help you implement these skills in a way that feels authentic and comfortable. Reach out to us to learn more.

Rachael Bosch is the Founder and CEO of Fringe Professional Development. Fringe's mission is to help people thrive at work through better communication. Rachael holds a brain-based coaching certification through the NeuroLeadership Institute and certificates of Women in Leadership and Mediating Disputes from Cornell University and Harvard Law School of Executive Studies, respectively. Rachael is an active member of the Forbes Coaches Council.
Rachael Bosch, Founder & CEO, Fringe Professional Development




No News Isn’t Good News – Don’t Mistake No Feedback for Good Feedback Wed, 18 Jan 2023 20:46:38 +0000 Read more]]> If you’re a manager of people, you’re probably spending a lot of time thinking about giving feedback, actually giving feedback, and dealing with the aftermath of that feedback. But how much time are you spending asking for and getting feedback about yourself? How often are you getting valuable nuggets of information to use towards your own professional development? When was the last time you sought out constructive feedback from someone on your team?

The challenge with gathering feedback as a leader

It often seems easier to take the path of least resistance by not asking for feedback and instead hoping that if somebody has something to say, they will come to you with it. As a matter of fact, I’ve heard countless leaders say, “I have an open-door policy; please come to me with any feedback!” But if you’re one of those people, be honest; when was the last time someone came to you with something you didn’t want to hear about your leadership skills?

We know that feedback is a key piece of continued learning and development, but that doesn’t stop being true once you become a manager. Many folks find themselves leading teams without having any experience as a people manager before – we sort of assume that we’ll figure it out as we go. But management is a skill just like any of the substantive skills that got you to your role. And just as I’m sure you needed feedback to improve your substantive work, you need feedback to improve as a manager.

But for all of those folks with “open-door” policies who aren’t hearing any constructive feedback, don’t mistake that silence for positive feedback. Just because folks aren’t coming to you with feedback, or they’re only bringing positive feedback, doesn’t mean you’re hitting it out of the park. In fact, silence can be a sign of a problem.

If you’re not getting the constructive feedback you need, here are a few things to consider.

No one knows that you want feedback.

We don’t get things that we don’t ask for. And a general “let me know how I’m doing” thrown out at the end of a team meeting does not count as asking for feedback. If you want useful feedback, you have to ask for it specifically. Is there a particular management skill you’re looking to improve? An area where you have a sneaking suspicion that things could be going better? Ask about those areas directly. Ask for one thing you’re doing well and one thing you could improve. If you use these prompts, the chances that you’ll receive actionable feedback are significantly higher.

People are scared to give you feedback.

Think about the most intimidating boss you’ve ever had. What would you say if they asked you how they were as a manager? If you’d be 100% honest, even about the bad stuff, you’re a unicorn. Most of us aren’t going to tell the person responsible for our professional lives that we think they need to do a better job. The fear of retaliation is real. So if you’ve asked for specific feedback and are only hearing the positives, it could be that folks feel uncomfortable giving you bad news.

What to do? First, get some feedback! While it might seem counterintuitive, the best way to get people to feel comfortable giving you feedback is to keep asking. The more they see that you really care and are taking this seriously, the more willing they might be to tell you the truth. Second, be vulnerable! Let the people know the areas you’re working on, and demonstrate that you’re willing to listen to feedback by staying calm and composed when you receive constructive feedback.

Lastly, do better! Show that you take feedback seriously by changing your behavior for the better. When folks see that you’re willing to change, they’re more likely to help you in that process by giving you honest feedback.

Hey, Maybe you’re actually doing an amazing job!

It is possible that you’re an amazing leader, and there is nothing that folks think you need to improve. But you won’t know that until you’ve done the work: asking for feedback, demonstrating you’re open to the constructive, and changing your behavior in response to that feedback. If you’ve done all of that, and you’re still only hearing positive feedback…well, there’s still more work to do. If we aren’t working toward something, we can grow stagnant, so set some professional development goals that will keep you motivated and energized. Just because your management skills are working now doesn’t mean they will forever, so don’t get complacent.

Getting feedback as a manager is essential for growth and development. If you don’t ask for specific, actionable feedback, it’s likely that your team won’t give it to you, either out of fear, respect, or just not having it top of mind. This is one area where silence isn’t golden!

If you’re looking to improve your leadership skills and feedback-receiving capabilities, consider investing in executive coaching and feedback training. With the help of a professional coach, you can learn more about how to ask for feedback, receive it constructively, and make meaningful changes based on that feedback. Investing in yourself is one of the best ways to ensure continued growth and professional success. Schedule some time with us to learn more about how executive coaching and feedback training can help you advance your leadership skills.

Katie Aldrich is the Director of Coaching & Program Strategy at Fringe Professional Development. Before joining Fringe, Katie practiced law for several years and worked in professional development at two large law firms. Katie holds coaching certifications through the NeuroLeadership Institute and the Co-Active Training Institute and certifications in dispute mediation through the Center for Understanding in Conflict and Cornell University.
Katie Aldrich, Senior Executive Coach & Trainer, Fringe PD
A Chat with Expert: Michael Bloom 💬 Tue, 01 Nov 2022 22:44:36 +0000 Read more]]>

We are excited to share with you another in our series of fantastic conversations with organizational development leaders we admire!

Who doesn’t love a good chat?! In the latest within our Fringe Chats series, founder Rachael Bosch connects with Michael Bloom, founder of Praktio. Rachael & Michael dig into some of the insights on skill building & the legal industry.

A Chat with Expert: Jeena Cho💬 Sat, 01 Oct 2022 23:10:37 +0000 Read more]]>

We are excited to share with you another in our series of fantastic conversations with organizational development leaders we admire!

Who doesn’t love a good chat?! In the latest within our Fringe Chats series, founder Rachael Bosch connects with Jeena Cho, author of The Anxious Lawyer. Rachael & Jeena dig into some of the complexities of the industry that lend themselves towards less than stellar well-being….

A Chat with Expert: Jessie Spressart 💬 Tue, 20 Sep 2022 16:47:35 +0000 Read more]]>

We are excited to share with you another in our series of fantastic conversations with organizational development leaders we admire!

Who doesn’t love a good chat?! In the latest within our Fringe Chats series, founder Rachael Bosch connects with Optia Consulting founder and managing partner Jessie Spressart. They chat about all things well-being and mental health, so this one is a must-see!

Managing Up for New Associates: What to Do When Everyone and No One is Your Boss Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:51:15 +0000 Read more]]> You’re a new associate at a law firm. You’re excited to get to work and learn from some of the best lawyers around. But there’s one small problem: you have no idea who your boss is. You’re getting assigned work and have to be responsive to almost everyone who is more senior than you. But it also feels like no one is supervising you or knows what you’re up to. It’s like you report to everyone and no one! And you’re expected to do this thing called “managing up” that you’ve never heard of before!


Ok, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. The reality is that you will be supervised by multiple people (even on the same team), and they may have very different expectations and working styles. And despite all of this supervision, you’re the boss of your workload and of knowing when to say yes (and no!) to taking on work.


What is managing up?

But, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, what is managing up anyway? It’s the process of ensuring that your supervisors’ needs are being met while also setting your own boundaries to produce the highest level of work product. Sounds easy, right? Managing up means that you don’t just execute on assignments but that you spend some time thinking about what’s being asked so that you can provide the best results. You might need to push back or ask more questions to help your supervisor better articulate their needs. And it means you’re proactive about managing your workload and communicating what you can handle and when you need help.


So, how can new associates manage up effectively? Bottom line: you need to have a client-service mindset, and in this case, the client isn’t who you might think it is. Forget the firm’s clients; your supervisor is now the client.


Treating your supervisor like your client means that you understand their goals, their needs, and their preferences. You have to know what is important to them and their expectations. You act proactively to give them the support they need instead of passively reacting to requests. How do you figure this all out? Either ask them directly or ask some other associates and staff who have worked with them if that’s too intimidating. Here are some questions that will get you started:

    • How do they prefer to communicate – email, video, in-person, or text?
    • Do they prefer frequent brief check-ins or fewer longer updates?
    • Are any particular deadlines or deliverables especially important to them?
    • When do they react positively to others?


Create Supervisor Profiles

Start a “supervisor profile” for each person who might assign you work and keep track of their preferences and expectations. This will help you remember things like “Max always responds to an email with a phone call, so just call with any questions” or “Tay prefers binders with single-sided pages so they can take notes on the back.”


Let’s turn up the dial. One of the tricky things you might encounter is effectively managing up when someone asks you to do something that either doesn’t make sense or that you don’t have time to do. With some well-placed questions, you can easily navigate both of these situations.


Even though you’re working with very smart people with lots of experience, senior lawyers frequently delegate projects without fully thinking them through. So you will be asked to do assignments in a way that might not make the most sense. But as a new associate, you might easily assume that the more senior person knows more than you – and it can be terrifying to suggest that maybe they don’t.


Ask Lots of Questions

To deftly maneuver in this situation, simply ask some open-ended questions that will get you more information about the project’s ultimate goal. Once you have that information, you’ll be more easily able to identify how you want to proceed. The key is to confirm that plan with your supervisor. If you were asked to do A, B, and C but think that X, Y, and Z would make more sense, try something like, “Now that I understand a bit more about what you’re looking for, I think it would make sense to do X, Y, Z. Is there anything about A, B, and C that would be missing with this approach? Does this approach work for you?”


Now, what to do when someone asks you to do something, and you’re already too busy? Resist the urge to decline new work flatly. Instead, come from the perspective of “yes, and.” As in, how can you say yes while setting expectations about your workload and what is reasonably possible?


Again, open-ended questions are your friends. Try something like, “I’d love to take this on. I’m pretty booked with other assignments for this week. When would you need this? How should I prioritize this against the other tasks I have for you? Would it be possible to get you a piece of this work in the short term and complete the rest of the task later this month?” Of course, let’s not ask these questions one right after the other, but listen to the answers and adjust accordingly! Often supervisors have a deadline in mind but are willing and able to push that deadline out if it means getting a higher quality work product and a less stressed out and more engaged associate.


If you take the time to get to know your supervisors’ preferences and expectations, you’ll be in a much better position to manage up effectively – even when things get tricky. By asking questions and being transparent about your workload, you can set yourself up for success while meeting your supervisor’s needs. When no one and everyone is your boss, managing up is key!

Katie Aldrich is the Director of Coaching & Program Strategy at Fringe Professional Development. Before joining Fringe, Katie practiced law for several years and worked in professional development at two large law firms. Katie holds coaching certifications through the NeuroLeadership Institute and the Co-Active Training Institute and certifications in dispute mediation through the Center for Understanding in Conflict and Cornell University.
Katie Aldrich, Senior Executive Coach & Trainer, Fringe PD


A Chat with Presentation Skills Expert: Christine Clapp 💬 Tue, 05 Jul 2022 13:58:28 +0000 Read more]]>

We are excited to share with you another in our series of fantastic conversations with organizational development leaders we admire!

Christine Clapp is the founder of Spoken With Authority, a Washington D.C.-based presentation skills consultancy that elevates the presence and expands the influence of professionals, and promotes inclusion in organizations. Christine joins Fringe founder, Rachael Bosch for a quick chat about how presentation skills have evolved in a hybrid workplace! Click the image or button below to check out the full interview.

Embracing the Vulnerability of Feedback Sat, 12 Feb 2022 18:12:32 +0000 Read more]]> Think about the last time you received constructive feedback. If you’re anything like me and most people, that critique probably didn’t feel great. Our initial response to constructive feedback is usually pretty unpleasant — grief, irritation, denial — and rarely does it feel constructive. But as much as constructive feedback can hurt, we know it’s essential to professional growth.

So let’s look at why we typically shrink from honest feedback in the workplace — both giving and getting it — and see how you can build a habit that spins even the toughest criticism into professional development gold.

Why Feedback Feels Like 💩

An inherent part of constructive feedback is its focus on our weak spots. By nature it overlooks all the many (many!!) areas where we’re (so obviously!) amazing at our jobs. This feels unfair because it ignores all the hard work we’ve already put into the areas of our performance that make us proud and that add real value to our teams.

We also simply aren’t used to getting stark feedback, which makes the experience disorienting. Sure, we go through the motions of an annual review cycle or make it a practice to ask colleagues for feedback on our documents or presentations. But my experience from years in talent management is that we rarely get the type of feedback we actually need from these situations. Instead, we get watered-down, vague, or rushed versions of what people think of us, limited by their fears of hurt feelings, lack of anonymity, or long to-do lists. This indirect, unspecific feedback lets us check the box of continuous improvement and keeps everyone feeling polite and comfortable in the workplace — it’s also a huge waste of time.

How To Make It Easier to Manage Feedback 👍

If you’re looking to actually grow in your career, then you need to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly of how other people perceive you in the workplace. Described below are some tactics I use with my Fringe PD clients to help them get to that next level of impact.

Start small when addressing leadership feedback

Identify one piece of constructive feedback you’ve received that you’d like to learn more about. You don’t even have to agree with that feedback, and frankly, you probably won’t. You just have to be willing to be curious about it. By focusing on one area of investigation, you can turn whatever negative energy you’re feeling into positive motivation to learn more.

Create conditions for privacy and honesty

For each area of curiosity, select at least 3 people, ideally with varying levels of seniority to you, who have observed the behavior. Reach out to them individually to let them know you’re working to improve your XYZ skills and would like to have a one-on-one conversation with them about what they’ve seen and how you might improve. When you get together, reiterate that you’re gathering information to support your professional growth and be clear that their honesty is important to you.

Come prepared with 2-4 open-ended questions (How can I be clearer in my communication about XYZ? How has my current approach impacted you and your ability to do your job effectively?). And then — this is the really hard part! — actually listen to their answers. Resist the urge to interrupt, and try to speak only to summarize your understanding of what they said and to ask for their confirmation or clarification. This approach demonstrates that you really do want their feedback and encourages them to continue to be honest with you on future questions.

Build accountability for yourself

At the end of each conversation, be sure to thank the other person and ask if it would be OK to follow up with any questions after some reflection. You’ll also want to close the loop by letting them know how you plan to apply their feedback and others’. This follow-up is just as important as asking for the feedback itself! Your colleagues took a risk by giving you their honest, unfiltered feedback. Don’t reward them for their vulnerability with a lack of follow-up. Once people see you taking their honest feedback seriously, they’re more likely to keep giving it to you.

Ride the emotional wave. Even the most gently delivered feedback can cause a tsunami of emotions. Anticipate this natural reaction, and make a plan to navigate your emotions in a productive way until they pass, avoiding turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Once you return to a more neutral emotional state, you can revisit the feedback more objectively and will be in a better frame of mind to learn from it. Over time, this process will build up your tolerance for criticism, so that when you receive super harsh feedback — what might currently send you flying into a rage or crying in a corner — you’ll instead welcome that discomfort and trust that it will eventually pass. The intensity of your reaction may even be a sign that the feedback is particularly valuable.

Commit to learning, not agreeing

You don’t have to agree with every piece of feedback you receive. Remember, each person is giving you their unique perspective in a single moment in time, which can hinge on a variety of unrelated factors like recency biastheir default communication style, and the last time they ate. You might also receive feedback that — even when considered thoughtfully and neutrally — is just plain wrong. And that’s OK! Don’t bend yourself into a pretzel trying to make everything make sense. Instead, ask yourself what you can learn from this feedback, and move on.

Honest feedback is hard to come by these days. But when you do get it, you’ll know — because it’ll suck, and that’s a good thing! Using the tactics above, you’ll learn to move past these uncomfortable feelings and start to appreciate constructive feedback as a gift on your professional journey.

Interested in creating more opportunities for candid feedback in your organization? Ask us about Fringe Insights.

Katie Aldrich is the Director of Coaching & Program Strategy at Fringe Professional Development. Before joining Fringe, Katie practiced law for several years and worked in professional development at two large law firms. Katie holds coaching certifications through the NeuroLeadership Institute and the Co-Active Training Institute and certifications in dispute mediation through the Center for Understanding in Conflict and Cornell University.
Katie Aldrich, Senior Executive Coach & Trainer, Fringe PD